When the guys at La Sportiva was waiting for the European Climbing Championships in Campitello they took a moment and looked into the luggage of their athletes. Which climbing shoes would they choose for the competition?

Petra Klingler
25 years old
My favorite climbing shoe is definitely the Python. I love it for the comps, even if I can easily wear them for almost every style of climbing – Slabclimbs as well as steep roofs and rock climbing -.
I like this model because of both heel and toe-hoocks are amazing and, thanks to its softer rubber, you can really feel the holds under your feet. You have to grab the foothold with your toes and keep tension, (which is something that in other shoes is supported by an harder rubber and more supportive structure). But you lose the feeling.
Another big quality of the Python is that it’s a fairly comfortable shoe, for being a climbing shoe. I never get blisters or bruises and can get through my trainings without pain, which is a big relieve as I spent quite some time in this kind of shoes 😉
Since last season the Python got a new “competitor”, when I first tried the Skwama, training a lot in them and having a really good feelings… but for competitions, I still like to stick to my good Python.

Mina Markovič
30 years old
Pyhton, no doubts. I’ve used it for the first time in 2011 (and won the worldcup overall): Since then, I am loyal to this model. Biggest reason why is because the are pretty soft, but still very precise and suitable for high level climbing and competions. They also fit to my foot really well. Another reason is because I also like a lot toe-hooking and they are definitely the best model on the market for that for me. From other models I also like new Skwama and Solutions. Them both fit nice to my feet, are precise and good for heel-hooks. As they are are a bit harder (than the python of course) I prefer them most for rocks climbing and projects. But still very value and high-end shoe for me!

Anak Verhoeven
21 years old
My favourite competition and rock climbing shoe is the Testarossa. I like the pliability of the sole and its soft heel which works perfectly for heel-hooking.
Since I have a quite wide feet, it could be hard sometimes find the perfect climbing shoe, but thanks to the lacing system, this model adapts well to my foot shape. Definitely, the Testarossa will be my fellow during the lead competition in Campitello, so keep your finger crossed!

Stefano Ghisolfi
24 years old
Whether on rock or in the gym, I use exclusively climbing shoes with No-Edge technology. I like to have more sensitivity on every kind of hold, especially during cometition, when you have to climb on sight. The construction of the toe box follows perfectly the shape of the foot, adapting to the wall I am facing and allowing me to place the foot exactly where I want and in a super fast way.
My favorite? If you follow me probably you will already know the answer, are Futura. They are versatile for any kind of route I can find in a competition, precise on both small holds, high volumes and heelhooks.

Michael Piccolruaz
22 years old
When I come to any vertical “problem”, I always have a Solution ready for facing it. Apart from word games, my favorite shoe is definitely the Solution, really do. The reason why, is that there’s no other shoe that can give me the same feeling and confidence as this one. When I use it I can blindly trust about the precision of my movements on footholds, I know that I will never slip from a hold or a heelhook – and if it happens, it would probably be my fault-.
With no other shoe I could climb so high as I did with the Solution. This is also why this model will be with me in Campitello, where I will try to do my best for keeping on with the good results already grabbed this year.
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